That's Outrageous! have kicked out their guitarist, David Newton. Read a blog from Newtonregarding the situation below.
2 strikes and you’re out!I would love to put everyone on blast, but I’ll be the bigger man.Well, can’t exactly say I saw this coming. After being to referred to as one of the members of the core three, with my former fellow guitarist and bass player as well as the constant talk of problems in another band members performance I was kicked out of That’s Outrageous! I finally confronted the bass player after being ignored by the members for over a week and he gave me the news. I would no longer be playing guitar for T.O! I am a drummer… not a guitarist was the reasoning. While I am mainly a drummer, I’ve molded myself into quite the guitarist over the time I’ve been given. If you’ve seen us live I’m sure you’d agree.
Thank you for all of your support.I will be announcing a new project in the upcoming months.David
Dont understand why the kicked dave out he is awesome! guess this band is coming to an end!